We’ve helped renovate and restore the exterior of many properties over the years. Check out a few of our completed projects.
Fisher House II
The Fisher House II was built in 2011 to provide families of our veterans a comfortable place to stay while their loved one undergoes treatment. Unfortunately, this structure was not designed to withstand the cold, snowy Minnesota winters. In order to correct that, we insulated the attic area as well and replaced the roof to ensure that building stays warm and toasty when the arctic air blows in.

Apartment Building Refresh
Minnesotans experience a wide variety of weather—frigid, cold winters to hot, humid summers and everything in between. These fluctuations in temperatures can make it hard to maintain temperatures inside your building. For this project, we replaced the roof as well as the decorative siding. Not every project needs a complete overhaul. We walk thorough to pinpoint which areas needed work and which did not. We finished the project off with a fresh coat of paint, to brighten up the building.